2007年10月7日 星期日


With the coming of twenty-first centuries, more and more people are under continual pressure. This pressure not only comes from works but also comes from peers or family. So in recent years, people come to pay much attention on leisure time and be willing to spend more time and money on it. As far as I am concerned, breakfast time is the most beautiful time in a day. To be universally known, a well-balanced breakfast allows people to perform at their peak all day long. Some start their mornings with a sandwich, others opt for an egg cakes, and still others choose a cup of milk and a piece of cake. To me, before I go to school in the morning everyday, I am satisfied to sit on the dining table and enjoy my breakfast like cereal.

The first cereal that resembles what is eaten nowadays was invented in America in 1863. At the time, breakfast for many Americans was made up of animal products like eggs, bacon, and sausage. Consequently, digestion problems were fairly common. Faced with many constipated patrons, the owner of a health farm came up with Granula. This high-fiber bran cereal got the bowels moving but was not convenient given that it had to soak overnight before it was soft enough to be eaten.

As accidents may lead to greatness, a common breakfast cereal was actually a mistake. Harvey Kellogg, another health farm operator, had boiled some wheat. After rolling it out and leaving it overnight, he awoke to find his table covered in wheat flakes.

At first, cereals were marketed towards health-conscious customers. But, shortly after the Second World War, cereal companies started targeting children. To add lots of sugar and toy surprises in every box, sales of cereals increased. Times have changed and now most cereals for children have added vitamins and minerals to make them more nutritious.

Whether you like it hot or cold, in a bag or bowl, breakfast is doubtlessly the most important meal of the day.

Sugar Tits Cereal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgtvBzd2nhg